Portfolio Highlights

Curated selection of the most promising and innovative Web3 companies

Airstack empowers a new generation of interoperable data-aware web3 applications and protocols by providing easy-to-use APIs to query and build with web3 data. With Airstack, developers no longer need to run non-core infrastructure or perform offline data transformations to access relevant on-chain data. Some of Airstack's key features include GraphQL, SDKs and webhooks for streaming updates, a no-code query builder, and the ability to easily query across multiple projects, wallets, and blockchains. The platform utilizes Substreams and Subgraphs to supply on-chain data and off-chain metadata from IPFS and marketplaces. Join the Airstack community and start building your dream projects today.

Introducing AlloyX - the liquid staking protocol for capital markets that allows DeFi participants to earn higher USD-based yields with greater liquidity. With no minimum deposit required, users can access a diversified pool of vetted loans issued by leading credit protocols, while avoiding lock-ups and reducing cash drag. The AlloyX DAO governs the protocol, providing greater community access and inclusivity to drive innovation. With three tokens, DURA, CRWN, and ALYX, users can earn interest and token rewards on the loans they finance without fully locking capital, making AlloyX a flexible and efficient solution for DeFi investors.

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Meet Nibiru Chain, the sovereign proof-of-stake blockchain that provides a seamless trading experience for users of over 40 blockchains. Nibiru unifies derivatives trading, staking, and bonded liquidity provision into one platform. Through Nibi-Perps, a perpetual futures exchange, and Nibi-Swap, an AMM protocol, users can take leveraged exposure and trade multichain assets, all while enjoying minimal gas fees. With NUSD, the platform's stablecoin, and secure price feed oracles, Nibiru provides a two-token economic model that ensures security and stability. Validators stake NIBI and participate in Tendermint BFT consensus, while users can delegate NIBI to earn rewards. Get ready to explore the boundless opportunities of the Cosmos Ecosystem with Nibiru.

In the fast-paced world of web3, bad actors are always looking for new ways to scam and steal from unsuspecting users. This is where Shield comes in - a team of experienced technologists who are passionate about providing a web3-native approach to protect users and their assets. With the explosive growth of NFTs, DeFi, and other web3 applications, Shield's mission is to safeguard the future of decentralized digital ecosystems. Their API offers an easy-to-use solution that helps web3 platforms proactively detect potential scams and keep their users safe. So, whether you're a developer, investor, or just a web3 enthusiast, Shield is here to ensure that you can enjoy the benefits of this exciting new world without worrying about the security risks.

Anima is not just another augmented reality platform. It's a mission to create a world where creativity and technology merge seamlessly. Anima's EVM-compatible protocol empowers creators to build AR experiences that blend seamlessly with the real world, allowing them to be owned and shared. The company was founded in 2020 by long-time friends and partners with backgrounds in gaming, music, and art, and is backed by a community of artists, DAOs, and investors who believe in the power of the decentralized digital landscape. Anima's first project, Mirror, is a unique collection of AR sculptures that evolve with their physical surroundings. As the world of AR grows, Anima's dynamic and seamless technology promises to play a leading role in shaping its future.

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Redefine Financial Delegation in the Digital Age with Delegate Cash - a platform that provides safe and easy on-chain interactions for airdrops, governance, and gaming. With Delegate Cash, users can delegate once and use forever without risking their cold hardware wallet vaults, thanks to a cleaner separation between cold wallets and daily burner wallets. By integrating with top projects, Delegate Cash is creating significant network effects, making user acquisition easier for apps and delegation easier for users. Plus, with hassle-free user experience and easy integration for developers, Delegate Cash is truly transforming the way we approach financial delegation.

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MYX Finance introduces an unparalleled approach to decentralized trading, boasting a zero-slippage experience through its innovative Matching Pool Mechanism. This platform is not only reshaping how trades are executed but also significantly enhancing capital efficiency for its users. By integrating state-of-the-art technologies with a user-friendly interface, MYX Finance is opening up new avenues for traders worldwide, promising a future where decentralized trading is accessible, efficient, and most importantly, effective. Join the forefront of financial innovation with MYX Finance, where trading meets technology in perfect harmony.

Dive into 0G Labs, the modular blockchain innovator transforming data availability. Making transaction data effortlessly accessible, it ensures nodes and validators can verify transactions reliably. 0G Labs' approach divides storage and data publishing, simplifying data flow management. As decentralized AI apps emerge, 0G Labs offers a scalable, programmable data layer, setting new benchmarks in speed and cost-efficiency. It's on a mission to merge web3's potential with web2 efficiencies, fostering unparalleled interoperability with its Uni-Chain™ architecture. Welcome to 0G Labs, where blockchain meets extraordinary interoperability and performance, driving the future of decentralized technology.